Practice Mindfulness at Work

< Back to Blog Jul 06, 2016
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Remember This: SHRM's Key Tip for 2016

Jul 06, 2016

Think that whole “mindfulness” thing is just a fad for long-haired hippies or yogi-millennials? Think again. 

Thought leaders like Forbes, the Harvard Business Review, and The New York Times have published article after article on the impact of mindfulness at work. Pandit Dasa agrees. His Master Series session onPrinciples of Mindful Leadership reinforced the benefits of mindfulness. Advocating meditation to de-clutter the mind, he led a 10 minute meditation at SHRM 2016, calling for 2,000 HR professionals to focus inward.

Not into meditation but looking to reap the benefits of mindfulness? 

Alongside meditation practice, Dasa recommends that leaders:

Lead by example. Take part in the same difficult work that employees do rather than delegating the tough stuff.

Show appreciation. Heartfelt recognition is essential to a powerful and passionate workforce. We all have a human need to be appreciated.

Be humble. “Mindfulness in the workplace means to not let our ego cloud our vision of the overall goal and purpose.”

Develop communication skills. Instead of reactionary communication, look inward to speak truthful words that are beneficial to others.