When you want to learn to knit a scarf so soft it'll feel like angel kisses on their neck, you ask your grandmother but when you want to learn to be an influential leader, turn to the these inspiring CEOs.

< Back to Blog Jul 26, 2016

10 Must-Read Lessons from America's Top CEOs

Jul 26, 2016

These inspiring CEOs have laid the groundwork to bring us 10 important lessons for aspiring leaders: 

In this post, we featured:

Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook), Lauren Bush Lauren (CEO of FEED), and Ken Powell (CEO of General Mills).

1. Give Back

In 2015, Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook) and his wife created the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to promote human potential, equality, and world development. They announced this billion dollar venture in conjunction with the birth of their daughter in hopes of bettering the world in which she'll grow.

2. Be Passionate

Ken Powell (CEO of General Mills) "lives and believes the General Mills mission: 'Nourishing Lives.'" "Having a commitment to social responsibility, Powell believes, is 'not only the right thing to do, but it's smart for business.'" (Young Upstarts)

3. Pursue a Purpose


Lauren Bush Lauren (CEO of FEED) "was inspired by the idea to make giving back to help fight world hunger really accessible and easy for anyone and everyone." (Fast Company)

4. Work Hard

"Zuckerberg has always been passionate about using technology to connect people, but he has also put in the hard work to achieve it. Having passion for something means that you don’t give up. It gives you energy to work through difficulties. Where some people see failure, a passionate entrepreneur sees only a learning experience, a stepping stone to keep moving forward." (Inc)

5. Be Fair - Not Easy


"If your confidence in your own abilities is self-generated and emotionally secure, and you are seeking someone who will pose to you ever-greater challenges to surmount, then Mark Zuckerberg is a pretty good fit for you.  However, he is not there to "develop" you - that's your own job." (Business Insider)

6. Be Well

In her interview with NY Magazine, Lauren Bush Lauren speaks to making wellness a priority and essential part of her life. She says, "I define wellness as anything that feeds mind, body, and soul. It's not only physical but mental as well." Asserting, "As I get older, I’m more aware of myself. I love to mix it up so it doesn't get boring and I’m not doing the same things over and over again. I have a better sense of myself and what makes me feel good and replenished." 

7. Embrace Brand Identity

Another lesson from Bush Lauren relates to building and sustaining brand identity, "Maintain brand identity. The brand is everything, so you have keep that really tight. The FEED logo is meant to be strong and clear, and the aesthetic mimics the cause." (One Kings Lane)



Have you ever heard the acronym K.I.S.S. - or, keep it simple, stupid? Bush Lauren has and she defines her thought process behind FEED's important work, "Keep it simple. If you can’t explain your idea in five minutes, there’s going to be an issue. People have short attention spans, whether they’re investors or customers.” (One Kings Lane)

9. Be Transparent

Ken Powell boasts a 96% approval rating among staff at General Mills and was voted America's most beloved CEO. Transparency between management, employees, and the community is his foremost aim. “But in the end, we believe the most important measure is trust,” he said. “General Mills constantly strives to remain worthy of the trust of our customers, consumers, employees, investors, and communities.” (Booth Co)

10. Recognize Employee Achievement

HR Toolbox collected some of Powell's amazing reviews/comments from the General Mills staff "'Keep doing what you’re doing on staying transparent and rewarding a good job when it is due.' Powell said he believes the company’s positive reputation is measured by these components: employee recruitment and retention, brand recognition, and even stock price multiples." We certainly can't argue with that logic! 

To read up on other inspirational CEOs, check out: